Summer Watercolors in the N. Cascades July
12, 2019 11:00 AMtoJuly
14, 2019 03:00 PM
Join Michele Cooper to learn about the art of
mixing watercolors to capture the natural world
with pigment and pulp. The focus of our class
will be crafting custom journals that you can
use in the field for watercolor sketching. With
our new handmade journals, Michele will guide
students through different watercolor
techniques, including brush strokes and color
mixing. If the weather permits, much of the
class will be outside in the glorious setting of
Diablo Lake in the heart of North Cascades
National Park. The Environmental Learning
Center’s wild neighborhood offers endless
inspiration and subject matter to practice plein
air painting, and you’ll be inspired in the
supportive environment of fellow artists and
nature lovers.
Students will provide their own art
supplies for the class; a detailed list will
be included with your class letter.
Cascades Environmental Learning Center
at Diablo Includes
lodging, meals
and tuition